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The Legendary Drum Sound

Additive synthesizer doing subtractive synthesis. Or if you prefer, a subtractive synthesizer powered by an additive synthesis engine.

A legend never dies!

The VProm was originally based on THE killer drum machine in town back in the early 80s, this expensive drum computer was also the first to include real drum samples back in the days!

Early sample based drum machines used samples of acoustic drum sounds recorded on the fly through some basic hardware. The way they were recorded without any kind of anti-aliasing makes them cut better in a mix than anything available at the time, they sounded so great that they became an alternative to the analog drum sounds of that era. To this day, the unique sound of this vintage machine is highly regarded because only using samples of the analog output is not enough to reproduce the wide range of sound and character of this beast. One DAC(converter)and clock per voice and yummy filters! Yes it is a historical piece of gear that take a huge place in the 80s sound picture. Only around 500 of these things are out there so don't count on finding a working one easily and forget for cheap. It has been used by major acts like Prince, Phil Collins, Thompson Twins, Stevie Wonder, Gary Numan, Depeche Mode, The Human League, Jean-Michel Jarre, Vangelis, John Carpenter, Todd Rundgren,The Art of Noise... The Machine was made by a musician for musicians and I tried to stick to that standard :) So as there were no accurate VST for that legend out there... I had to make the VProm!



VPROM accurately reproduces the internal circuitry and filtering of the first legendary Drum Machine but is also perfectly able to read and import original, custom or vintage EPROMs from other Drum Machines of that era, legendary 80s machines such as the Linndrum, DMX, DrumTraks etc.(.bin files that you can find on the net) An EPROM is an integrated circuit that was used to store short audio sample data in a compressed format. VPROM is the closest thing to the real deal - reading and decoding original EPROM data images in real time using the exact decode table from the AM6070 DAC at a variable sample rate. VPROM also allow experimenting with your own sample database. You can convert samples with external tools and load compatible ULaw companded images (see manual for more info).

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I hope you enjoy making funky grooves with VPROM as much as I do!

Disclaimer: The original name of this VST, 'VLinn', has been changed at the request of the Linn Electronics copyright holder, Roger Linn. It is now named 'VPROM'. Aly James Lab has no affiliation with Roger Linn and has not received any consent from Roger Linn. We do not claim to reproduce the sounds of Roger Linn s product but rather this product creates sounds inspired by Roger Linn s past products.

is an additive synthesizer doing subtractive synthesis. Or if you prefer, a subtractive synthesizer powered by an additive synthesis engine.
For several reasons. To begin with, there are too many subtractive synthesizers already, often bragging about being virtual analog. This one is digital, and proud to be. Everything is fake, the tone generator, the filter & its resonance, the phaser, all performed on the harmonics, before partials are computed.

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Now, how it's synthesized shouldn't matter after all, if the result sounds subtractive. But Harmless is more than a proof of concept, it allows fine control that wouldn't be possible through classic subtractive synthesis. Filtering and phasing can be assigned unusual shapes & slopes, something normally only possible through offline digital filters. Filter slopes can even be defined in Hz instead of octaves. Finally, you get control on each partial's frequency, creating timbres definitely impossible using common synthesis methods.

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Harmless, for less harmonics

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Again, Harmless is additive doing subtractive. Harmonics are not produced to be filtered, the timbre is filtered before being generated. This may sound like a detail, but generating sounds this way offers a lot more advantages than drawbacks.